MY TRUE MARRIAGE STORY; The Financial Battle


When my wife and I wanted to get married we had no money for the wedding. Our account balance at that time was reading a few thousands. The cost of paying for a reception venue and all others, hmmm, it is well. 

We kept praying for a miracle. 

Suddenly one day I got tagged on a contest on Facebook and Instagram, it was organised by one of the biggest phone brand in  Africa( I won't mention them out of respect for their brand). They were hosting a valentine contest, giving out close to two million naira to any couple planning a wedding at that time. 

Oh Halleluyah! We got tagged and dragged on that promotion, we met all the criteria and we got selected for the price money along with other couples too. 

My wife and I swelled in excitement, I mean, finally God has answered us. We are getting this money. We wanted a small wedding anyway, so 1.5M was even more than enough.

Long story short, we got a call from the brand asking us to come to a hotel in Lagos and camp for the weekend, along with the other couples selected for the finale. 

Everything was set. They got our measurements for branded promotional materials in our names, etc. 

We were pretty sure the price money was ours for the taking because we got the highest number of votes on the selection. So 1.5M in the bank surely, wedding will be lit.😀

But then came the hammer.

We got a call from the brand that we will have to check into a hotel in Lagos and spend two nights in the same room together as we will have to play couple games and other things needed to promote the phone brand before cash is released.

No problem, we will do what they want for the brand, but that part of sleeping together in the same room was a NO NO.

We tried to convince them with everything:

"We are believers, we cannot stay together in the same room."

"We have never slept together in the same room before normally, so we cannot do that now just few weeks to our wedding."

"It is against our faith for dating couple to spend the night together for any reason, we will be exposing ourselves to temptation."

We even suggested to the brand that we will pay for 2 different rooms with our own money, so wifey can sleep in one and I in another. Guess what, they declined the offer. Insisting we must sleep together in the same room or we are out of the game. They said it was a normal thing. Nothing will happen. What are we Afraid of? Are other courting couples on the show not doing it? Why do we want to be different? We are too religious. Everyone is doing it. 

Hmmmm, we told them a big thank you and bagged off from the show. Loosing a possible N2MiIlion free money that we have been praying for. And also loosing God's trust in us in the process.

What can separate us from the love of God? 1.5M? That's too small, no money in the world is enough to compromise on our faith in God. We resolved to have the wedding reception as a parlour setting if we have no money to pay for a hall, rather than break our covenant with God because of some temporary fix.

We have never slept in the same room together before. We have kept to sexual purity right from the first day we met. It wasn't an option for us to spend the night in the same room, even when she travels to see me and vice versa, we sort ourselves out with friends. We were not about to give in.

Guess what? God was faithful. Oh so faithful. 3weeks to the wedding a few million and thousands poured into our purse, the same money we would have broken God's trust to get. 

We had a good wedding party with enough change left to start life proper in the marriage. All without a stain of compromise. 

I'm sharing this story to loud God's faithfulness to those who stand with Him at all cost, and also to teach you what compromises do to your marriage when you start off with it. It will never be the first and last time, one compromise opens the door to thousands of other compromises to come. "After all its not the first time, we have done it before, even worse ones." This is what you will keep saying to yourself as you keep falling further away from the tree of Life. 

It will be difficult for you to stand with God in your marriage if your courtship is a sinking ground of compromises.






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  1. Kaiiiiiii😊😊 This one touch me... the Question that was hovering in my head when I started reading this what;

    Why did they not just sleep in thesame room and then... one sleeps on the bed the other on a chair or duvet Tbh...
    Cause I tried to put my self in their shoes... then I realised...
    Maybe; GOD truly would have been upset with them... not because sleeping differently in thesame room would harm them... but because; their convenant with GOD forbids it...

    I'm truly really blessed !!!
