Love, Light and Life

... more than a devotional



 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.

Genesis 3:8 KJV

When a person speaks, you hear his words in his voice. It's the voice of a person that reveals the words of a person to you. If you couldn't hear a person speaking, you'd say increase the volume of your voice, speak up. It's a louder voice you want, not increased words, because it's the voice that reveals the words. And the voice of a person, makes their words distinct to them.

So also it is with God. When God speaks His Word, it's His voice that reveals His Word to us. But many people haven't realised something yet. The voice of God is more than just an audible sound. Observe our theme verse again and realise it. "They heard the voice of God walking in the garden"

If they heard the voice of God walk, then that could only mean one thing, the voice of God is alive, he moves. He's not just a sound. He is the one who reveals the Word of God to us. Just who is this person? No other, than the Holy Spirit! The one who reveals the truth to us, and guides us into all of it. (John 16:13)

It's through the voice of God you get to know the Word of God, because that's what He reveals. He's the one that makes God's message distinct to God. While others can try to fake what sounds like the message, they can't fake the voice. Thus, you must spend quality time with God, to be acquainted with His voice, even much more than you are with the voice of your closest family.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for sending your Voice to live in me. Now I can know your Word. Now I can hear you. Now I'll not be deceived. Because you have not left me orphaned. You have come to me. Glory to God in Jesus name. Amen.

Further Reading: John 10:27, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, John 16:13 

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