(Story by the Winlos)

When my daughter just started schooling. My wife needed me to take our daughter to school to start activities.

Because of my kind of schedule, being my pattern before I got married, I always pray at night, study at night...I then sleep from 5:00am in the morning till like 9:00am.

I told my wife I won't be able to take her and our daughter to school because of my activities. At that time, we had a car but she has refused to learn how to drive. I told her to find a way around it.

The first time she complained she went to school, she was angry, she complained angrily the second and third time.  I didn't care. 

At a time I realize she was doing it sweatlessly and she was beginning to enjoy it. She comes back many times and says"sweetheart, I just took our daughter to school. Mehn, I enjoyed it. Guess what? There's this guy... anytime we come out of the compound, he just picks me and our daughter. A car with good A.C, he drops us back".

She came again and said the guy picked her,the second day she said again, "Honey, this guy picked me". 🙄

The next morning, I woke up...took my car keys I said "sweetheart enter into the car, I will need to take you to school".

Ladies and gentlemen, I know some of you will say that is jealousy, but alot of men have lost their home because they are not responsible. There's a difference between jealousy and responsibility. Alot of us have lost our home because we are not responding to the ability that we have.

Everyone of us have a unique ability God has given to us to make our home work but we are not responsible to that ability, so we just act the "I don't care attitude" and we loose out to that which God has given us as a spouse.

Mrs Winlos: Myself, when we just got married, I use to feel like because my husband is a man of God...he doesn't really need s£x. That there's actually no need on that, I just feel he's a man of God, always praying "lagbardabrada". This my man of God he's a man of God, everytime he looks up to heaven...the Spirit have done it. Lols.😂.  

I didn't think that s`e`x was a necessity. It is one thing for you to read books concerning marriage and another thing to live the books you have read. 

I didn't think s`e`x was necessary, my belief is that men are driven by what they see. I be like, this man is a pastor...I didn't know that I was failing in that area...

I didn't know that he was just looking at a wife, like looking at a wife as a dummy . Someone just putting clothes on. I didn't know that he was first a Man (Flesh, Nature) before he became a man of God. And that s£x is very important. And when God created man, is that we need s£x. 

God created us that we as men need sex and our wife must satisfy us and that is how God created us but unfortunately many women (Christain women) usually play with that aspect. Lifting the holy hands, doing devotions and giving excuses why the spouse need shouldn't be met.

And if you are not careful, you will realize you are releasing that spouse to the jezebel you are binding outside.

Mrs winlos: it is true It's very important that we think about our abilities, what we are able to do so we can respond quickly to it because lack of sensitivity has made alot of marriages to fail.

Sensitivity has made alot of marriages to fail, it is when you are sensitive to the responsibilities that you have, that is when you can have a fulfilled marriage. 






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  1. wooow honestly this is awesome I really love the way you guys give your amazing testimonies
