Praise God. The Lord is good. Honestly, I'm so excited to testify to the goodness of God. The Bible said in the book of Psalm 119:2: "Blessed are they that keep his testimony and seek him with their whole heart." I want to appreciate God for what he did through Apostle D. Kachi.
I am testifying on behalf of my mother and not myself. I am not the major testifier. Her name is Mrs. Nwogu Rose from Imo State. That's where she resides. My mom was in a coma. I called Apostle D. Kachi and reported the incident to him - the issues and all that So, he prayed for her. My mom regained consciousness and came back to the house. After Some days or thereabouts, she couldn't walk, she was unable to eat, she couldn't do anything.
My sister had to bathe her. She had to assist her to move around. She couldn't do anything. Even to talk was a problem. So when I called my sister, she reported the incident to me.
My mom couldn't even eat. My sister told me everything that happened. So I called Apostle D. Kachi and reported the matter to him. Apostle then said I should ask them to call him at a specific time, which they did.
He prayed for her and asked them to do one hour praise, and that they should surround her during the one hour praise in the midnight. He said that' within the next 48 hours, she was going to walk with her legs. So they keyed into what Apostle said and they did that. The following day, I called my sister.
My sister said that it happened exactly as Apostle had said. She said that my mother came out from the bed on her own, without people assisting her. It can only be God! Honestly, my sister was like:
"It was like a magic." You understand?
Now, the following day when I called my sister, she said that my mom was even feeding herself. Nobody is now feeding her. She feeds herself. She's now walking on her own. I want to appreciate God for what he did through Apostle D. Kachi.
Honestly, I was really traumatized about the whole incident. But as God may have it, God did it through Apostle D. Kachi. May God's name be praised. And I pray for Apostle D. Kachi that God will continue to increase him, God will continue to make way for him, for his ministry to grow to the higher level. And he will be heard globally.
People will hear him because he is indeed a true apostle of God. May God's name be praised. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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