— Pastor W.F Kumuyi Speaks out
Deeper Life Bible Church, which was founded by Pastor William, who is also the Deeper Life Bible Church’s General Superintendent, has revealed why Deeper Life Bible Church members don’t wear jewelry.
Men and women alike at Deeper Life Bible Church are easily identifiable by their simple dress code. Their women also don’t wear make up & jewellery when going to church or functions. They appear simple without artificial beautifiers.
Pastor William recently said in a video posted on YouTube that “as a pastor he labors, reads, and prays every night for his congregation so that they might be godlike and heavenly in nature.”
The Cleric continued, saying that he considers righteousness and purity to be necessary for entering heaven but jewellery is not part of it. Pastor Kumuyi claims he has not grown weary of preaching the gospel of holiness and righteousness for over 30 years. He insisted that, according to the Bible, he should be weeping for his congregation if they weren’t putting the teachings of purity he was giving them into practice.
If you come to Deeper Life Church and you see all these women without jewelry or makeup, you would be prudent to get on your knees and ask God to give you what they’ve got, as Pastor Kumuyi says in the video.
In addition, he stated that he would continue to share the gospel until the day he died. He believes that wearing jewellery and make up is unholy and will make you not to enter heaven. This is the reason why Deeper Life Bible Church members don’t wear Jewellery and make up.
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#jewelry #ReflectorHub
Very true