

that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:4

So we realise that the righteous requirement of the law, which is righteousness, is only fulfilled for the man who is in Christ. Now these men in Christ are described as "us", who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

You realise that the scripture actually functions to give you insight into who you have been made to be, so that as you behold this truth, you'd live in its reality. So he's telling you what it means to be in Christ.

It means you no longer live by the flesh, you no longer think by the flesh, but you now live by the Spirit. So you've got to align yourself to these things, because that's who you are in Christ. 

So verse 1 isn't telling you that some people in Christ are condemned, no! He's telling you what it means to be in Christ. Number one, you are not condemned, and number two, you have to live by the Spirit and not the flesh. To accept one is to accept the other, because the truth is whole and complete. Remain blessed. TCF

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