

Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.” John 13:10

When Jesus told Peter, and you are all clean,but not all of you, He was speaking of Judas who would betray Him (vs11). The thing that was not clean of Judas, was neither his body nor his feet, but was his mind and heart. His heart had been corrupted by the love of money,

And the devil through that lust had sold to him the thought to betray Jesus for money. He who is bathed only needs to wash his feet and is completely clean, because by the feet we walk through the dirt on the ground to move, so also he who is saved needs only to wash his mind and is clean.

Because with the mind, we communicate and relate in this corrupted world. So just as for the physical body, the feet is the first point of dirtiness, so also for the whole man, the heart/mind is the first point prone to contamination. So though we are saved, baptized into Christ, if we must be clean indeed, we must wash our minds as Jesus instructed.

He gave Himself for the church, that He might sanctify her and cleanse her with the washing of water, by the Word. (Ephesians 5:25-26). The word is that water by which we are washed and cleansed from the filth in this world. We'll continue tomorrow. You're blessed. TCF

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