JUST LIKE A LADYS MONTHLY FLOW_ Apst Jonathan Shekwoanya

 Before a woman have her monthly flow there is always a sign showing her that she is about to have her flow. 

Some women do have painful pimples on their faces, for some women certain parts of their body swells up, some women begin to have appetite for certain things, some women become nauseous and easily irritated, but the thing is that, there is always a sign to show that she is about to have her flow.

In the same vein, when there is about to be a breaking forth in the Spirit and a flow from within us, there are always signs and signals, but most people don't understand it so despite seeing the signs they can't understand the writing on the wall.

Perhaps there are times when you begin to have painful experiences, it is not always demonic attacks, it could be that something is about to flow from the fountain within you and the spirit realm is sending you a signal.

For you it could be that you will suddenly begin to experience swellings in certain areas of your life, or you might begin to have an unusual appetite for prayer, although you do pray for an hour everyday, suddenly you will begin to pray for 5 hours non-stop, you will open your Bible and begin to study for hours non-stop, when that is happening it could be a sign from the spirit to you that something is about to flow from within you.

Just like every woman has a sign to alert her whenever she is about to have a flow, learn to know the sign you receive from the spirit whenever something is about to flow from within you.

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