

John 8:32

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

We live in a world where there are many sources of information. Too many people saying too many things from too many places. Sometimes, if one is not careful, He ends up confused, because there are too many sources to feed from. But that's why we have Truth. While there is a lot of information flying up and down, it is highly recommended that we remain glued to only one source of information. 

That is, the Word, Jesus Christ Himself. Why? Because He is truth personified (John 14:6). This means that anything outside of Him, no matter how true it sounds, is false. It's important to understand that there's a huge difference between something being true and something being truth. Anything can be true so long as it happened or its happening. 

For instance, it can be true that a Christian is suffering under attack from Satan. But then, if that thing, no matter how true it is, isn't in line with what the Word describes, then such a thing is not truth. Truth has the ability to change false situations that may be true (like the example above). Truth does not function from the realm of sight, but from the realm of faith. Truth is captured in Christ, and brings transformation and change in "Christ-ward" direction. 

No matter how true it may be that darkness is in a place, truth brings about great light. Truth makes you free from living in the lies of darkness. Truth is Jesus personified. If your life is not in truth until now, please say this prayer, "Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, You died for me and rose again. I declare that You are Lord of my life. I receive your Life and Spirit into me. Thank You Lord. I'm born again! Congratulations! Contact us!

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