

Matthew 6:17-18

But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

It's important to understand that during a fasting period, what moves God is not the food you don't eat, or the movies you don't watch, no. Those are not the things that'll make you receive the dividends and benefits of a fast. All those things do is to help you to be able to focus better on God, on His Word and on the Spirit.

God doesn't necessarily start blessing you because you skipped a meal or two or more. Why is this important? Many people have misunderstood fasting to be a 'hunger strike', 'sit at home', or 'remain at a place'period. So within the period they set for their fasts, they simply skip food, or avoid going out and stuff, but then, they don't do any spiritual activity within the period.

Most times, they just wait until the fast period is over, and then say a little prayer to break the fast. Well people who function like this only succeeded in punishing themselves for no reason, and are most likely to not have any benefits from the fast. The effectiveness of a fast is obtained in the spiritual activities you engage in during the fast period.

I.e The fellowship with the Spirit in that time, and not in the fast itself. The fast is necessary because it helps you become more sensitive and dedicated to the Spirit. But if all you do is to skip food and the distractions without engaging God, then you've wasted time, and you've done an ineffective fast. Refuse to fast ineffictively. Take advantage of every fast period to maximise the time spent. You're blessed. -TCF

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