

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life". This means that Jesus is truth personified, and anything which must be considered truth must be found in Him. All things outside Him are false and lies. Because we are born again, Christ lives in us and we are in His image and likeness. 

This means that our lives should be an expression of truth and truth alone. Many times, the devil tries to sell lies to people, hoping they'll believe lies and thus function by lies. One way he does this, is by trying to convince people of sickness by symptoms in their bodies.

If you feel symptoms of a sickness in your body, your first reaction shouldn't be panic or belief that you are sick.* Your first reaction should be in line with truth. The symptoms aren't found in Christ who is Truth, therefore they are lies. No matter how real and true you think the symptoms are, they are not truth! 

*You must believe and affirm the truth about yourself which is health, and keep your declarations consistent with truth. Refuse to believe or accept a sickness. Refuse to believe a lie.* That the symptoms are true does not make them truth. And at the end of the day, only the truth stands sure. So don't waver or fear at any symptom you ever feel. Reject them consistently and declare your health everyday, because that's a basic step to walking in health! You're blessed. -TCF

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