

Philippians 2:12

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Now we know that the life we have received from Christ, the eternal Life which we now have is the life of success. However, we must realise that we have a responsibility. Our responsibility is to choose to live this life. To allow the life of God, find expression through us.

Philippians 2:12 says, work out your own salvation with fear (reverence) and trembling (with caution and carefulness). You've got your salvation from Christ, it's your responsibility to put your salvation to work. Don't just sit and fold your hands expecting God to come and live your eternal life for you. You are the one to live it. To work it out. To put it to work. 

God in you will make you willing to do what's right, and equip you with all the ability you need, so it wouldn't be a struggle at all. But you've got to choose to live eternal life. You've got to choose to live as who He has made you to be. A success! Accept who you are and live as such. He has bestowed on you, all you'll ever need for success! But He won't come and force you to do things. 

You've got a salvation (your eternal Life). Put it to work! He is the one who actually works everything in you, but you must choose to let Him find expression. That's your success responsibility. To consciously walk with Him and side with Him. If you abide in Him, He will remain in you. He's a gentle being. Only follow Him. Follow the Holy Spirit. Success is assured. You're blessed. -TCF

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