daily devotional: you shall live by faith




   Many Christians live their lives anyhow, being subject to the devil in many ways. Even though Christ has made a lot available to them, they seem to access none of their inheritances in Christ. Some have been deceived to think that they are of a "kind of Christians" that have no faith or zero faith and they need a deliverance to get them faith. They may justify this assumption with the question of Jesus to His disciples in Mark 4:40 when He said "do you still have no faith in me?" It's important to understand that there's no Christian, no body born again with "no faith or zero faith" level. If you had no faith, you wouldn't even be saved. For the scripture says you have been saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8). So you've got faith in you no matter how little, and your faith was very much enough to obtain salvation! Thus the Bible says He has given unto each of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). So all Christians have a measure of faith at the start of their Christianity from which you should grow your faith as you continue your walk in Christ.

   The scripture makes us understand that the just shall live by faith. So you can't enjoy the eternal you've got without putting your faith to work. But faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). This means that the just (the born again man) shall live by the Word of God he hears. You shall live by hearing the Word of God and absorbing it. You see that? That's why most people live defeated lives. Very little Word of God within them. It's your own responsibility to hear the Word of God continually. Let the Word of God dwell richly in you (Colossians 3:16). Be filled with the Spirit by speaking to yourself (Ephesians 5:18-19). What are you speaking? The Word of God! That's how you get it into you. Change the way you live today. Consciously believe and speak the Word of God to yourself daily. That's the secret to experiencing the Life of Christ. You live it by faith. By the Word of God you hear. If you haven't received Christ into your life, say these words and mean them. "Dear God, I believe in Your  Son Jesus Christ. I believe He died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I confess with my mouth that He's Lord of my life. I receive eternal Life into me and I receive Christ into me now. Thank you Lord for I'm born again! In Jesus name. Amen". You're blessed. Contact us. Remain in the Word and prayers. You're blessed. -TCF

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