Daily devotional: our weapons-not carnal




2 Corinthians 10:4

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

In the course of Apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he makes mention of something very important. The kind of weapons by which we war, and the kind of result we expect from these weapons. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God... From this simple phrase, we see that there are basically two types of weapons by which people war. Carnal weapons and mighty weapons in God.

This simply means that carnal weapons are not mighty, neither are they in God. But mighty weapons are not carnal because they are in God. Now over time, people have believed that when we say our our weapons are not carnal, we mean they are not physical, or that they are invisible. But this is not totally correct. The carnality of a weapon is not necessarily dependent or described by the physicality of it. Take for instance two people wearing different T-shirts. 

Assume that on one of them it's written "Jesus over everything", while on the other it's written "love only who loves you". The two shirts are physical, and as a matter of fact, they are both weapons. But the latter is a carnal weapon (communicating carnality), while the former can be used by God mightily to send a message to somebody. Two physical things, yet one is carnal, and the other is not.

We'll continue tomorrow. Remain on the Word of God and in prayers. You're blessed. -TCF

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