

Galatians 4:21-26, revelations 12

   You now see that Jesus Christ did not loose His place as the only begotten Son of God, for He was begotten before time began. But His same life is now produced in all men who are born of God I.e born of the new covenant. The same Son of God lives in all men born of God. Therefore all who are born of God have the same Life in them. The Life of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. His life is now lived in all men who are born of God. No longer the men that live, but God lives in them, by the Life of the Son through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Thus all men born of God are sons, because they have the life of the Son in them. This now makes clearer the account in revelation 12. The woman with child is the new covenant, and her first born is Jesus Christ, who is the only begotten Son of God. Many other men have also been born of the woman who is the new covenant, and all such men receive in them, the Life of the only begotten Son of God, making them sons. 

   Now because the devil could not harm (ie change) the new covenant, he tries to harm (change) those who are born of the new covenant. But glory to God!! And to His Christ!! We overcame the devil already. (Rev12 Vs11) we overcame the devil already because we have the blood of the lamb in us, and we have the word of our testimony, which is the Word of God spoken spontaneously by us. Remember His Word is written in our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33) and out of the abundance of our heart, we spontaneously speak the Word (Matthew12:34). Thus the devil lost the battle even before time, for we have overcome him already due to Jesus Christ. We have given up our lives unto God, (we are crucified with Christ) so death can't make us deny the Faith. We keep our faith in Jesus Christ even when faced with death. Hallelujah!! Glory to God! Therefore for men not yet born of God, you are called now to give your lives up to Christ and receive His life in you, by believing in Him as the only begotten Son of God, and confessing Him with your mouth as Lord and saviour. And sons must keep beholding of the Father, and remain as sons you are. Return to the Father. You're blessed.


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