Testimony: Gods mighty intervention in U.K


Tonari S.A  U.K

 Good evening Sir,

I had been feeling very leftout as I couldn't keep up with the daily reading mark due to engagements but the Holy Spirit kept encouraging me. I kept joining every night for the feedback and prayers and when you say "don't worry if you're behind keep pushing", that is a comfort to me.

On the 12th you began to make decrees about coming into rest, helpers locating us and getting back every lost blessing. 

That night I had a dream where I was invited into the Vice-Chancellor office of my university here in the UK. She asked me why I hadn't come to collect my things and I was confused like what things. She showed me my name and to it was attached everything I had needed since I arrived even to something as little as hair comb [I couldn't find the type I needed when I first arrived]. I saw many other name tags and their provisions as well. She was asking me why I hadn't come to collect my provisions and I was struggling. Sir, I saw everything I had as much as asked for even in my thoughts was available for me there. I began to take them and test them out especially the eye glasses excited to see clearly (as I had been praying to God to heal my eyesight of short-sightedness) when I woke up.


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