Stand on the promises of God


God promises to be with us no matter what we’re facing or what we are going through. He promises to be our shelter ( our home, the roof over our heads), our hiding place( where and who we run to in times of trouble and we know that no harm will come our way), our strength (we are humans, we are fragile and we lose strength, so instead of depending on our strengths to fight our battles, God will be our strength), our hope( when our circumstances seem to overwhelm us, we look unto God and we know that with him and in him and through him everything will be alright) and our defense( God is our only strategy as Christians, in times of trouble, trials.. we fight with God that is God is our power).

 Standing on the promises of God tells us that God promises never to leave us in times of troubles. He is always aware of everything happening with us, in us and around us. But we have to play our own part. We have to learn how to depend solely on him, not on our strength or human skills but on God. To trust in him and to trust that he has our best interests at heart as he said in Jeremiah 29:11.

He tells us so many times in the Bible.. never to be afraid he knows that we will go through so many things in this life that will be scary and depressing but in everything he tells us not to be afraid, never to be dismayed, never to lose hope because he is God and he goes before us. 

When situations come or life circumstances come that will bring you down to the point you start to lean into your depressing thoughts and feelings.. remember who God is. He is powerful, he is loving, he is mighty, he is the alpha and the omega.. the beginning and the end. Nothing is bigger than God. Trust that he’s got you covered and you are safe.. 

psalm 91 “he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty and I will say of my God.. He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust”

God is capable.. all you have to do is not worry and bring your matter to him.. He deeply cares for you and watches you like a hawk. 

Your feelings will overwhelm you and your strength will fail you but in good and bad times.. God will never leave your side. So trust him and depend on him.

Micah 2:13 “one who breaks open the way will go up before you, they will break through the gate and go out. Their king will pass through before them. The Lord at their head”

You don’t have to carry any burden yourself. You don’t have to be weighed down with so much concern when God wants to do all the heavy lifting. So today lift your head up and smile cause you know deep in your heart that God is going before you. Just stand on his promises and have peace in your soul. 

God bless you 



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