I write to the ladies who serve as a covering upon their partner's head.

Please don't loose your guard in the name of timely pleasures of the world.

Dont be one that gives her partner headache and stress. See ehnn no one wants stress, everyone goes to where he/she shall feel loved and appreciated...

Most times try taking a day fast and pray for the grace of God to sustain him and keep him free from the plan of evil ones.

I write to ladies who become overfamiliar with their partners and take the over familarity to the stage

Pls dont lose your guard. I know while chatting he calls you love, cupcake sweetheart and other sweet names, but you see ehnn when he is on that ALTAR. Don't give him that sweetheart look.. Learn to celebrate grace.. Learn to look beyond the love and look at Christ in him.

I remember a story told about a woman who was having problems in her home and to my surprise her husband is a pastor and a relationship coach. How can a relationship coach be having marital issues? I thought. One day when the wife learnt the key of Honour, After a sunday service, while she was about to go home with her husband, she knelt down before her husband and said "Man of God, please pray for my family, we are passing through alot" And then it was said that the husband blessed her and prayed for her. And that was how peace reigned in her home.

I write to the men whose partner has a higher calling than them.

It doesn't mean that if your don't act hard, she will loose her respect for you. No sir.. Learn to celebrate each other's success.

Yes, because she has been promoted to a higher office at work as the manager and earns twice as you doesn't means that she cannot drink water and keep cup. No sir. Learn to celebrate the success of your partner.

Dear uncle, she's your wife and also your friend.. Don't act as a guest minister in your home.

Because she pleaded with you to help her put on the generator doesn't mean she's disrespecting the anointing, No sir.

Beyond the ministerial work, there is a woman who needs to be pampared and cared for. At least a call or an outing shall do.

I remember watching a program where a man of God was asked how does he manage family and ministry, And this was his reply "Quality over Quantity".

Having a real quality time with loved ones leaves a mark than many quantifiable time spent.

Your inspiration

© Godly Descent



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