Pastor Paul Enenche at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre on "He arose". Luke 24:1-10
Two things that is our objective in this resurrection service is:
1) Understanding the implication of His resurrection
2) Understanding the secret of access to His resurrection power
It is important to know that the Cross is the central message of Christianity. The fact that Jesus came, lived, went to the cross, died, buried, resurrected, is what Christianity is all about. The value of Christianity is in the reality of Calvary. The meaning of that is a Crossless Christianity is a valueless, useless and impactless Christianity. The reason why we shine and see the things we see is because Calvary is real.
What is the implication of Jesus arising? What is the meaning of "He arose"?
1) It means He is alive. He is a God that is alive, not a God that is dead. Most religion in the world will tell you the date of birth of their founder and the grave of their founder. Christianity will show you an empty grave. It is the only religion in the world where you cannot find the founder in the grave. Revelation 1:18. The forces of hell and death cannot molest you anyhow. Matthew 22:32. God is a God of the living, therefore, you are not permitted to live a dead life. He is the God of vibrant and lively people. He is a God of people with meaningful and qualitative life. John 10:10. He is alive means that there is hope for you. You are not living a hopeless or helpless life. You are not living a life that is at the mercy of the forces of death and darkness. Ecclesiastes 9:4
2) He interrupted and intercepted the plans and agenda of the enemy. He frustrated and ruined the purpose of hell. Hell had a plan and a plot but he interrupted, intercepted, nullified and destroyed their plans. Acts 2:23-24. He is a specialist in interrupting and frustrating the agenda of darkness. Job 5:12
3) He broke natural laws and protocols.
He is a specialist in breaking natural laws and protocols. He broke the law of life and death. He disappointed death. Hebrews 9:27. He told death "I am just passing by to free my people, you cannot have power over me, I am the one to kill you". Death can't kill life, darkness can't kill light. The King of Life disappointed death. 1 Corinthians 15:26. By the time the rapture happens and the power of death is broken, then all the saints will be resurrected and go to meet their Creator and Maker and that is the last time that death will be dealt with. The resurrection power presents the power to break natural orders, protocols, laws and routines. If they say everybody from where you have come from must suffer this or that, you tell them "I break the protocol". If they say this is how everybody from Nigeria must be or do like this and God has not said so, you say "I break that order by the power of resurrection".
4) He began again.
They thought he had died finally but he rose and began again. The resurrection is the revelation of new beginnings. Micah 7:8, Proverbs 24:16. By the reason of the resurrection, it doesn't matter where you are or where the devil has planned your life to, you can come out of it and begin again. Nigeria can come out of this terrible mess we are in and begin again. It is possible to begin and rise again.
What is the end with man is the beginning with God. Man's extremity has always been God's opportunity. When the enemy does his worst, the stage is set for God to do what is best. When Satan has done his worst, nail Him, nail Him, finish Him, then God says Are you done? Give me space. Let me move now. The devil may have the first say but God will have the final say. This is a prophetic season of resurrection and what the resurrection represents must be realised in your life.
Two keys to experiencing the power of resurrection.
1) The knowledge of God. Phillippians 2:10
The knowledge of Him goes hand in hand with the knowledge of power. Hosea 6:1-3. When he revealed Himself to Moses as "I am that I am", at the same time He handed him power to sink Egypt. The revelation of His person to Moses is also the revelation of His power.
2) Death to self. It is when we have died with Him that we can be raised with Him. No mortal man is qualified to be glorified with God. Romans 6:8. Arrogance, pride, vain glory, ostentation, God's dishonouring life must die for the life of God to rise. There can be no wills in one person. It is either the will of man is in charge or the will of God