

1 John 4:4

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

The mentality that you are trying to walk with God so that you can overcome Satan and his devices on earth is a very wrong mentality for the Christians. Many people function with that type of mentality, that maybe if they are holy enough or if they pray enough or if they study enough, then they'll become victorious over the world and Satan. Well this is wrong.

As a matter of fact, no amount of holiness on earth here is really enough holiness. No magnitude of prayer is truly enough, and no amount of Bible study is enough study. These are only to be depper and consistent.

So your victory is not dependent on how much of these you have done. Why? Because Christ already made you a Victor! He already defeated the world and gave you that victory! (John 16:33). Now you have overcome them already, because the greater one lives in you! Do you get it? We are not trying to win, we already won, Glory to God! 

So while it's important to pray, live holy, study and so on, don't do those with the mindset that you are trying to obtain victory. No. Understand that you already have the Victory, and that's why you can and you should do those in the first place. We are Victors, and we are simply putting our Victory to work, Glory to God! We are not trying to win, we are not hoping to win, we already won. We have the Victory! Hallelujah! -TCF

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