

1 John 4:19

We love, because He first loved us.

You see, when you fall and receive forgiveness, you are totally free from guilt and condemnation, yes. But you can't afford to remain the same way you were before you fell. Why? Remaining that way just means you may fall again. We know you don't want to go on hurting God, because you love Him dearly, therefore you must decide to rid yourself off immaturity, and become responsible as a son you are. 

You are an obedient child of God remember? (1 Peter 1:14). So build yourself in love. Check your life to see the imbalances that made you fall; of course the Holy Spirit will help you in doing this. Return to the Word and return to prayers. Return deeply to fellowship. You're not doing this to obtain forgiveness. 

You are doing this because you have been forgiven, and now you want a deeper walk with God, because you love Him dearly. Don't bear the sin in mind. Bear righteousness in mind, and let your heart be where God is. Willfully decide to grow in grace in Christ.

Seek maturity and attain it through knowledge of God and unbroken fellowship. Build yourself in Christ because you love Him. Don't be complacent like you may have been before a fall. But don't entertain the fear that you might sin. Rather believe, have faith and know that you will walk in righteousness. Build yourself back for Christ in love. You have the Holy Ghost. You are blessed. Remain on the Word and in prayers. -TCF

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