In February 1959 in El Paso, Texas, the Lord appeared to me in a vision.
He came into my room at 6:30 in the evening, sat down in a chair by my bedside, and talked with me for an hour and a half. I will tell more about this in the book, but I want to emphasize something here first. He talked to me about the ministry of the prophet (Eph.4:11,12).
Then He said, "I did not put prophets in the Church to guide the New Testament Church. My Word says, 'As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.' Now if you will listen to Me, I am going to teach you how to follow My Spirit. Then I want you to teach My people how to be led by the Spirit."
I am ashamed that I have let many years go by without teaching too much along this line. Occasionally I would get into the edge of it, but I did not really teach on it.
So in recent times, the Lord has stirred me up and now I am beginning to teach more on this subject.
This book is a part of that stirring