Daily devotional: toughened by knowledge




proverbs 24:5

A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

Ever since you came into Christ, you were made wise and not foolish. This is because at salvation, you received a wisdom which is not of this world. That wisdom many times seems foolish to the world simply because the ways of the wisdom of God are contrary to the ways of the wisdom of the world. 

The wisdom you received is a person. His name is Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 8:22-31). Now, from our theme verse, we understand that a wise man is strong. This simply means the having accepted Jesus Christ, you were made wise, and having being made wise you are strong (spiritually and in Christ). Now it's good to be strong, but look carefully at the second part. A man of knowledge increases strength. 

So it's good to be strong, but there is more! There is an increase of strength. The amplified says "...a man of knowledge strengthens his power" this is a better construction. The line talks about being toughened, and drilled to become resilient mightily, by being aware of your strength. This simply means that when you received Christ, you received the wisdom of God yes, you are strong.

But do you really know how strong you are? Are you in the Knowing of the limitless possibilities available to you? Do you really know what it means to be Christ in you? How much knowledge of your wisdom have you got? Because by the knowledge of your wisdom, you are toughened mightily! We'll continue tomorrow. Remain on the Word. Seek to know more. You're blessed. -TCF

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