Why many are joining secret societies is not just because of the money, but because they need a family that will watch their backs...

But shamefully, in Zion, you will see a pastor bragging that he is not talking to his fellow pastor...

And he will use every means possible to mobilize others to hate the person the way he hates him...

And if there is any mistake you have made in  this life, that is all that will become a stock in trade to prosper his hatred against you ...

These are some of the things I am seeing in Zion that I never saw in Babylon...

And that is why I wonder why there is more unity in the streets than inside church...

Don't blame those of us who are missing the friends we left in Babylon, because of what we are in Zion...

If you were never there, don't talk yet...

You can ask those who are still singing the LORD'S song in a strange land...

They will tell you that our Generation on pulpit doesn't know what LOVE is yet...

We are just struggling to push our brands, so that we will be respected by respected people ...

Some people will never identify with you publicly because they don't want to lose the contact of one man abroad...

Shame on such a generation!

Many false prophets today will rather go to hell than getting back to the Truth because of the so called genuine prophets...

A genuine prophet that loves his name more than the souls Jesus died for needs revival...

A genuine prophet that doesn't care about those losing their genuine oil because he doesn't want to lose contacts if he identifies with them...

That genuine prophet is suffering from himself...

And he must miss in action when he should be needed most...

What am I doing with a name that I don't even have?...

If the LORD doesn't keep a city, why are the watchemen wasting their time?...

Friends, what is keeping revival is no more the Prince of Persia...

But the heart of this generation on pulpit must be visited by JESUS Himself...

What we want to do with revival is more important than the cry for revival...

To some of us, we are preparing to get a voice so that we will start fighting those that doesn't believe in our ministries at early stage...

Full of zeal, but, terrible at heart...

To us, it is about us and those we love...

If not is not coming from us or those that we love, it is fake...

And I ask: how can GOD even attempt to show up when rancour is reigning supreme?...

I prefer staying with a man that can love than those than can pray...

GOD is not prayer... But GOD is love...

GOD doesn't pray, but He loves...

You can't rise above your readiness to love...

How can you love evangelism and yet, you hate your fellow preachers on the pulpit?...

That was why GOD kept David to be roaming about for 13 years  after anointing him...

He took time to break him into shreds...

Because preparing the heart of the king is more important than anointing the king...

Nothing injures a man more than wearing a crown when his heart cannot meet with the demand attached to that crown..

Man of GOD, let us stop bragging with a prayer life we got because we want to show them that we too can prophesy ...

Let us stop boasting with the truth we are speaking because we want to prove a point...

We are declaring ourselves enemies to spirits...

LORD, even if that man that doesn't like my ministry is who you want to use to bring a Revival in my city...

Please, JESUS, hasten it!...

Even if my name will not be mentioned in it, please, LORD, bring it on...

Bring us to a point where we will love souls more than doctrines ...

Elijahs are everywhere...

The fire really wants to fall...

But as a generation, it is getting difficult to prepare the altar...

And alas, Ahab and his prophets are still mocking our GOD...

Break us into pieces, LORD...

Reintroduce ourselves to us, so that we will know that we are nothing...

Remind us that You can bypass us and pick the most filty of all men, wash them and use them...

Are You not the One that brought us together, please, LORD, don't let our flesh put asunder...

And may we see revival in our communities...

In JESUS Name...

Let us pray!

Revivalist Iyke Oriaku

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